Tuesday, August 11, 2015

What's To Come...

I'm sorry I didn't deliver the final review on time for Sailor Moon Crystal's Dark Kingdom Arc as I originally had intended. However, it is finally done and up for everyone's reading pleasure. The Dark Moon Arc will come... eventually. But I will be doing some new reviews for a while to show that I don't just like doing Sailor Moon stuff. Keep looking forward to new Throwback-Thursday Reviews (not really new reviews, but they are new to this blog). As you can see from my backlog of stuff, I have a wide variety of New and Old stuff to read, I usually don't like to do reviews to series that I am in the middle of however, due to possibly confusing people with the actual content portion. If a series however starts a new story arc, I may do reviews for volumes then and continue moving forward with new ones.

As of right now I may do a review on the current manga I am reading, Magi V.13, since it does actually start a new Story to the overall series (V.13 starts the second Anime Series as well). If not, expect one of probably My Hero Academia V.01. I'm also thinking of maybe going and doing some reviews of older mangas (reread them) that continue from some of the Throw-Back Thursday Reviews once I catch up with certain series.

Other then that, expect something in the manga category in the next few days or so. Until then, later...

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