Sunday, August 2, 2015

Review: Sailor Moon Crystal Act 10 - Moon

Luna prepares the girls for a journey to the Moon, so they can learn a bit more about their past lives and the Dark Kingdom. On the night of the next full moon, Usagi and the rest of the Sailor Senshi transform and make their venture to the Moon.

When they arrive, they find the ruins of the Moon Castle. They make their way to the core of the ruins where they find the Prayer Room. In the center of it is a Sword in the stone. The Four Guardians remove it with their combined strength, causing a hologram of Queen Serenity to appear and begin to reveal to our heroines tragic past lives and why they were sent back in time. It was basically a Romeo and Juliet type of love story. The Moon Princess fell in love with the prince of Earth. However, there was a group of people who did not want this love to be, The Dark Kingdom. Metallia, using Beryl, tried to kill the Moon Princess, but the Earth Prince sacrificed himself to stop her. The Moon Princess could no longer live so she sacrificed her own life. Queen Serenity was deeply saddened so with the power of the Silver Crystal sent everyone back in time to relive the events and possibly prevent what happened in the future. Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi return to Earth with the new knowledge and the Sword.

Queen Beryl discussed with Metallia what to do with Mamoru since a part of the Silver Crystal is inside of his body. The four generals overhear the conversation, and they begin to also experience memories of their past lives and how they were Endymion's Soldiers. Beryl sees this and uses her powers to hypnotize them into doing the Dark Kingdoms bidding once again. The four generals attack Earth once again, and the Sailor Senshi do battle once again. Sailor Venus knows the truth of their past lives as well and tries to reason with them. The generals still attack, but Sailor Moon uses her Moon Stick to try and heal them, along with the Sailor Planet Attack by the Sailor Senshi. The Generals flee from battle.

Back at the Dark Moon Kingdom, Beryl uses her power to awaken Mamoru as an enemy.

This was an amazingly handled episode of the series. I really enjoyed how they did the past lives of our heroes. This was also an episode I was really looking forward to watching due to them showing the Moon Sword. The Back story was present in the original anime, but everything else was all a part of the manga that was omitted completely. My only complaint, like previous episodes, was that the Generals are still completely alive and well. At this point of the series they should all be dead and we should be moving right into Mamoru being the enemy until the finale. With four episodes left of this story arc, let's hope it at least ends appropriately.

Rating: 8/10

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