Thursday, August 6, 2015

Review: Sailor Moon Crystal Act 13 - Final Battle - Reincarnation

Sailor Moon kills Endymion and herself. The Silver Crystal then puts a sacred barrier, in the form of a large crystal, around both of their bodies. Metallia attacks the Sailor Senshi and then consumes the Silver Crystal that Sailor Moon and Endymion were protected inside. The Sailor Senshi teleport back to the surface and arrive at the arctic circle. Queen Metalia is waiting for them. The Sailor Senshi use the Sailor Planet Attack on her, but it is still not strong enough to defeat her. Queen Metalia's powers begin to spread out across the entire planet. All around the world, people begin to attack each other.

Luna and Artemis go back to the moon to visit the Sacred Prayer Room. Luna begins to pray and beg for the help of Queen Serenity to help the Earth.

Back on Earth, the Sailor Senshi think everything is over, they begin to have memories of their times with Usagi and begin to have a new reason to fight. They believe Usagi is still alive and with their power, they bring back the Moon Sword which still has the Silver Crystal's power. The Sailor Senshi sacrifice their own lives and use their life force to awaken Usagi inside of Metalia.

Sailor Moon is once again alive, and the Silver Crystal is finally restored to the way it was meant to be. Metalia begins to taunt Sailor Moon inside of her body and tries to merge Sailor Moon with herself. Sailor Moon uses the Silver Crystal and blows apart Metalia from the inside, freeing herself and Endymion from their prison. Endymion was also reincarnated from the power of the Senshi.

Metalia however is still alive and will do everything she can to destroy Sailor Moon once and for all. Sailor Moon uses the Silver Crystal once again, but she can't do it alone. Endymion gets a ghostly visit from the four generals, his own soldiers, and they give him hope to pass onto Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon declares she will finally defeat Queen Metalia.

I had absolutely no problems at all with this episode. Every scene was practically taken from the original source material. Since everything is properly aligned at this point as well, there really is not much that should be changed or altered to cause the series to explain where it was heading with the finale. The action sequences were also handled very well. With the final Act coming up, their really is not a lot of room for their to be any drastic changes to the anime version of this epic series.

 Rating: 8/10

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