Sunday, May 1, 2016

Review: Sailor Moon Crystal Act 20 - Crystal Tokyo - King Endymion

The Tuxedo Mask from the future reveals himself to Sailor Moon and the guardians. It is revealed that he is Chibiusa's father. He is also just a spirit of his former self; when Chibiusa went to hug him she went right through his body. The king welcomes them to the 30th century. He tells them his physical body is laying to rest in another room and he is just a projection. He reveals he is King Endymion, Chibiusa gives her introductions, from a suggestion her father says, and we learn she is also the daughter of Usagi. Luna asks what made everything happened the way it did in the future. The King doesn't know what actually happened. One day Chibiusa ran out of the palace when a huge explosion took the city. The Black Moon then showed up and took down everyone accept for Chibiusa and Diana. This is why Chibiusa went to the past to seek help. Diana stayed by her parents, Luna and Artemis's side. We also learn that when members of the Silver Millennium family reach the adulthood they don't get any older and their lifespan is 1000s of years. The kingdom lived in peace for a long time until one day the black monolith crystal appeared and began to kill all life. Venus asks if he knows who the Black Moon really are.

Endymion brings them to a large computer where he explains of an evil planet called Nemesis which the Black Moon hijacked. Their goal is to over throw the Silver Moon and take it over. Nemesis is completely made out of the Black Monolith Crystals. Sailor Moon begins to start disappearing, if she is close to her future body for much longer, she could cause terrible damage to the future timeline. Sailor Moon and the others must hurry and return to their own timeline, along with Chibiusa. Venus asks why Sailor Pluto can't join them as well. Pluto is blessed by the god Chronos and she can not leave the door ever. 

Sailor Moon and the others are brought back to the Time Door by King Endymion. Sailor Moon is given a time key by Sailor Pluto before they are all returned back to their own timeline. Sailor Moon runs off crying as she begins to get tired of Tuxedo Mask always wanting to protect Chibiusa. Sailor Moon just feels like she is being left out and not being included in the protection of their future daughter.

The next day Mamoru wakes up at his apartment, Chibiusa is gone. She has went back to the Time Door to try and save her Mom and Dad alone. Sailor Pluto tells her she should ask Sailor Moon and the others for their help and protection, but she refuses. Chibiusa goes back to the palace and visits her parents bodies laying in their tombs, crying and still wondering why they won't open their eyes.

At the Black Moon headquarters, Esmeraude begs King Demande to let her finish off Sailor Moon and Venus. 

Back in the future, Chibiusa is wandering around outside the palace, when Esmeraude attacks her. Sailor Moon, Venus, and Tuxedo Mask arrive with the Time Key and try to protect Chibiusa from Esmeraude. Sailor Moon's Moon Rod won't work in the future time line. Our heroes all get tied up by Esmeraude's powers, but King Endymion uses his powers and helps Tuxedo Mask kill her with one attack from his Smoking Bomber, Prince Demande and Wise Man appear in front of our heroes. Sailor Moon demands to know why they are doing what they are doing. Demande sees the future queen in Sailor Moon. With his third eye ability he paralyzes Sailor Moon and takes her with him back to the Black Moon.

As this season begins to hit its climax, a lot of information begins to be revealed to the viewers. This episode is probably not one of the best episodes when it comes to what Sailor Moon is all about, but it still is a very important part to this story arc. We learn pretty much everything about Chibiusa; why she went back to the past as well as she is the love child of Usagi and Mamoru. We also learn what actually happened to the future Moon Kingdom, as well as the over all goal that the Black Moon is trying to fulfill. The action is very minimal, as well as the drama. It is more of a 30 minute informative piece as to what the overall goals are for the rest of this story. From the manga's standpoint for this episode, I feel it was dragged out a bit more with the anime then needed to be. Esmeraude had a bit more of a presence I felt in the manga version as well. I realize that the anime is trying to do each episode like each chapter, but some stuff could have been condensed a bit more down and other parts could have been a bit more drawn out.

Rating: 4/10

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