Sunday, May 29, 2016

Chapter Review: Naruto - The Path Lit by the Full Moon

It begins with Orochimaru waking up a child who looks to be one of his current experiments. He gives the boy some medicine and tells Suigetsu when the child recovers to bring him to his room. The child doesn't know who he is or where he came from. His goal is to find these answers. As he asks questions to Suigetsu, he begins to remember stuff and attacks Suigetsu. Suigetsu easily manages to restrain the boy and is glad he remembers that he is a ninja. They eventually go to meet up with Orochimaru. The boys name is Mitsuki, and Orochimaru is raising him to be his heir. Orochimaru tells Mitsuki about a deadly ninja named Log, and that they must go and kill him before he causes more trouble for Orochimaru.

The two embark on a journey to Log's whereabouts, and when they reach him a long drawn out battle ensues. We learn however that Log is actually another version of Mitsuki. So now we know that Mitsuki is a clone and all the previous versions were failures. Log was one of them and before Orochimaru could get rid of him, he managed to escape and go into hiding. This triggers Mitsuki to go into Sage mode, which the last person able to go into this form was Naruto. It eventually is revealed that it was all a test to get Mitsuki to achieve this. All of the previous Mitsuki's that Orochimaru created had always chose one path, while the new Mitsuki chose his own. And thus we now know the true origin of Team Boruto's last member.

I really enjoyed this chapter a lot. It was an interesting set-up with a nice twist that I haven't seen from the Naruto series in quite some time. Not having the series focus around the main character is nice as well. We got to see a softer side to Orochimaru as he's trying to become a father like figure as well to this boy, and it will be really interesting to see how this plays out in the Boruto manga too. This really is a definite read before starting the next chapter in the Naruto legacy.

Rating: 8/10

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