Thursday, June 2, 2016

Throw-Back Thursday Review: Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland

Title: Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland
Volume: 1 (of 1)
Creator: CLAMP
Format: Unflipped
Original Publisher: KADOKAWA SHOTEN
US Publisher: Tokyopop
Release Date: 10/7/03
Pages: 128
ISBN: 159182303
MSRP: $9.99
Genre: Fantasy
Rated: OT (Older Teen Age 16+)

Description: There are many worlds in the universe outside of our own, connected by doors that are hidden to the eye. But if you chance upon those doors, you can be transported to a place where supple beauties reign supreme and all of your fantasies come alive. Should you pass through the doorways, be most careful, for the creatures you will meet can be as dangerous as they are beautiful. Many would die for a glimpse at those worlds-Miyuki would do ANYthing to have them go away.

Contains 7 Stories:

  • Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland
  • Miyuki-Chan in Looking Glass Land
  • Miyuki-Chan in TV Land
  • Miyuki-Chan in Part Time-Job Land
  • Miyuki-Chan in Mah-Jongg Land
  • Miyuki-Chan in Video Game Land
  • Miyuki-Chan in X Land


Cover: The Cover of Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland is one of thee blandest covers I have ever seen done by Tokyopop. On the front cover we have an Orange background, wait a second, the whole cover is orange. The top of the front cover has the Manga Title, which only deals with about the first 10 pages of the manga. Then we have a nice pic of Miyuki-Chan falling down with a sunset background, as well as a few falling CLAMP rabbits (these rabbits can be seen in so many of CLAMPs works). The bottom of the page we have the Mangakas.

The Spine is just. . . Terrible. It’s a lighter orange then the covers background, but we don’t get any interesting side pics. What we have from top to bottom is the Tokyopop Logo, the Manga Title (which takes up most of the Spine), and then the Mangakas. Rather boring.

The Back Cover continues to give us more blank space. All we have with the back cover is the orange background, the Manga Title (which is more centered then on the top of the page like most Tokyopop titles), and the Manga Summary. We also have the 100% Authentic Manga Stamp.

As far as this cover goes as a whole, I don’t really care for it. They have enough room on the back of the manga to include some type of little pic or something. It’s just too plain.

Artwork: The Artwork of Miyuki-Chan is rather nice, as that is what this Manga is known for. We have quite a few color pages, which is a rather nice bonus. All of the images are of the same quality and the same style, which makes me happy to see as well. Plus, it’s pretty much all Fan Service, so this is not just a shoujo title people; lots of women dressed in practically nothing.

Translation: The Translation was pretty decent. I have not read the original, but I have seen the Anime. The Anime and the Manga are almost the same when it comes to the first 2 stories. Also, sound effects are left untranslated.

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): I can not really get into the content of Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland, since there really isn’t any. Each story is like a stand alone story, and none of them really make any sense.

One story I really liked though was the Miyuki-Chan in X Land, as they had quite a few cameo appearances from the characters from the X/1999 manga. Out of all the stories, this one probably would have been the only story that was worth my time reading out of the manga.

Only buy Miyuki-Chan if you are an avid CLAMP fan (like me). If you are not a CLAMP fan, I would rethink this title for purchasing. This manga lacks a plot and it barely has anything to do with the CLAMP Universe line. So if you have not bought it yet and her planning to, you should rethink your choice.

Objectionable Content:

  • Language: No
  • Violence: Yes
  • Nudity: No
  • Sexual Situation: Yes
Overall Rating: 1 (Out of 5)

Where Purchased: Waldenbooks
Original Review Date: 12/12/03

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