Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Review: One-Punch Man V.06

Title: One-Punch Man
Volume: 6 (of 10+)
Creator: ONE and Yusuke Murata
Format: Right-to-Left
Original Publisher: Shueisha
US Publisher: Viz
Release Date: 5/3/16
Pages: 216
ISBN: 1421585278
MSRP: $9.99
Genre: Shonen Jump
Rated: T (Teens)

Description: Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes, from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem—he just can’t seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on!

An emergency summons gathers Class S heroes at headquarters...and Saitama tags along. There, they learn that the great seer Shibabawa left the following prophecy: “The Earth is in danger!" What in the world is going to happen?!

Contains Punch 30-34:
  • Punch 30: Class S
  • Punch 31: The Big Prediction
  • Punch 32: From Outer Space
  • Punch 33: Men Who Don't Listen
  • Punch 34: Are You Stupid?
  • Bonus Punch: Salmon

Cover: The cover for this volumes features the sexiest character of the entire series, Puri-Puri Prisoner, and he looks absolutely fierce! Saitama is behind him eating a bento box and ready for action. The series title is across the top in hot pink letters, with the volume number underneath it on the left.

The spine from top to bottom contains the Shonen Jump brand logo, the series title, the volume number, the mangakas, an image of Puri-Puri Prisoner puckering his lips and awaiting a kiss, and the VIZ company logo.

The back cover has another image of Puri-Puri Prisoner, this time in a ballet class. Saitama and Genos can be seen in the background, looking in on him as he's practicing his routine. The bottom third of the cover is used for the volume summary. It is on a hot pink background, with white lettering.

I honestly could not wait to get to this cover of the series, and I must say it was handled very well! Every piece of art is still intact with nothing changed at all. Puri-Puri is probably my favorite character of this series, besides the leads, so seeing that his presence on this cover was left entirely like the original cover, I am extremely pleased!

Artwork: This volume is filled with intense Shonen Action from practically cover to cover. There isn't really a lot of Saitama comedic moments, but when there is, its handled in a way that doesn't distract from the overall artwork, and really just lets the reader laugh out loud!

Translation: Character names, locations, attacks, cultural references, and plot were all left intact. Sound Effects have been modified and changed to Romanji characters.

Extras: There is a few four panel comedy mini-comics. Also an extra chapter that deals with Saitama eating lunch on top of a building where someone is about to jump and commit suicide. You gotta read this and see what Saitama's response is to him as he's about to jump!

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): The entire S-Rank Class gathers together in this volume to discuss Madame Shibabawa's prediction that the world was in danger from the previous volume. There are so many characters that are introduced all at once, I will not be going into detail on them all here. They all decide though that they need to stay on high alert in case the threat level reaches Dragon or Demon level.

And just like that, the Earth starts to shake and be invaded by aliens. As the Sky King and all of his underlings (maybe distant relatives of the Sea King?) are about to attack a city, they are blown out of the sky by an alien UFO and one of its alien inhabitants. Iaian, an A-Rank hero is the first to arrive, and he's no match for the alien warrior. Luckily the S-Rank heroes, and Saitama, arrive and manage to cut the alien warrior into pieces. The bad news is, this alien has a regenerative ability and he splits himself into multiple aliens (one for each of the S-Ranks to fight). Saitama manages to sneak aboard the UFO.

So while the S-Rank heroes take care of the threat outside, we get a glimpse of what lurks in the inside, as Saitama explores the spaceship and takes out any alien he comes into contact with, all while trying to reach the leader, Lord Boros. Saitama manages to make quick work of everyone inside the ship and reaches the boss with ease. Lord Boros attacks him and Saitama hits him with his usual One-Punch move. Apparently Boros was wearing armor to hold back his power, and Saitama has just broke the one thing that really will show what Boros can really do.

Back outside, Terrible Tornado is using her powers to stop a bombardment of bullets from hitting the planet, managing to launch them back into the ship and at the enemies outside of it. The S-Rank heroes however are really feeling the onslaught of these enemies.

The volume ends there and we don't have a definitive conclusion on the battle. Like I said in the last review, this is the first multi-volume story arc, and besides the ton of action, there are also tons of cliffhangers like most Shonen titles typically deal with. My only real complaint is we are introduced to so many characters at that briefing mission in the beginning of the volume and it really doesn't get to much into any development where their characters are concerned. We do get to see some of them in action, it just would have been a bit cooler not having so many introduced at one time.

Although Saitama also makes quick work of the aliens aboard the ship, and I am sure he could have taken care of the alien invasion outside as well, it was cool to see Lord Boros; he seems like a worthy adversary for Saitama now that his power limiters are off and it is a good thing for the series as we don't want to just continuously see Saitama beating every single one of his enemies with his signature one-punch move. Just like its boring for him, its boring for us readers to continuously see it from his character, so this new turn of events has just brought a lot of interesting roads that this series can truly go down.

Objectionable Content:
  • Language: No
  • Violence: Yes
  • Nudity: No
  • Sexual Situations: Yes
  • Cover: 10/10
  • Artwork: 10/10
  • Translation: 8/10
  • Extras: 10/10
  • Story: 10/10
Overall Rating: 10/10

Where Purchased: Barnes and Nobles
Original Review Date: 6/14/16

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