Thursday, May 14, 2015

Review: Sailor Moon Crystal Act 6 - Tuxedo Mask

Sailor Moon receives her new weapon, the Moon Stick, and is declared the leader of the other senshi in their quest to find the Legendary Silver Crystal and the Moon Princess.

Mamoru wakes up from a dream about his past life and the Legendary Silver Crystal. He is also in search of the Princess.

Usagi meets the girls in town on their way to school where thy run into Mamoru. The usual speech begins on how she must be careful. Makoto notices Usagi blushing because she may like him, while Ami notices where he is going to school.

News begins to spread fast about Tuxedo Mask going to be on TV that night to talk about the Silver Crystal. He will try to find as much information as he can this way about the crystal.

Back in the Dark Kingdom, Zoicite and Kunzite watch the chaos gong on in Tokyo. Zoicite has a plan of his own to get both the Crystal and energy. Beryl agrees and sends him out.

Back at the arcade, the girls are discussing what it means if the enemy gets a hold of the Crystal and how much power the Crystal actually possesses. It is revealed that Luna came from the moon to find them and help them locate the Crystal and the Princess and then they will be fully awakened. Luna also tells them not to trust Tuxedo Mask as he is also after the Crystal.

Zoicite appears on TV and explains to the world what the Crystal actually means. He possesses everyone who saw the news feed to look for the Crystal at all cost.

The girls meet back up at the arcade where Luna reveals their secret command center underneath the Sailor V video game. They find the source is at the TV-station. Luna brings up Tuxedo Mask as being the enemy again, which upsets Usagi and she leaves the command center. The rest of the senshi go to the TV-station and confront Zoicite.

Usagi is wandering around town when she almost passes out, but she is rescued by Tuxedo Mask. He apologizes to her about all the mess he has caused them, but he is still looking for the Crystal for his own reasons. Sailor Moon admits she is weak, but she will try her hardest to become stronger and help everyone.

Back at the TV-station, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury are still battling Zoicite and it seems they are outmatched by his power. Queen Beryl reveals herself to the Senshi as the commander of the Dark Kingdom army. She uses her power on the senshi to distort reality and do even more damage to them. Usagi sees something is going on at the TV-station, and Tuxedo Mask encourages her to transform and help her friends. Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon and arrives in time to fight Beryl. She saves her friends with the power of the Moon Stick. Zoicite jumps in the way of the attack. Beryl flees with Zoicite and Sailor Moon passes out in Tuxedo Masks arms. He carries her away as a mysterious new warrior watches from above.

Usagi wakes up in a bed in a strange room with Tuxedo Masks broken watch next to her. Mamoru enters the room and Usagi finally learns he is Tuxedo Mask.

The only real thing in this episode that was changed was Beryl being the enemy in this episode. In the original manga act, the senshi fight Zoicite. They have what appears to be a moment where Beryl's presence is there during the actual fight, but it was not a physical form. My overall opinion of this episode and act are pretty much the same; it is an important part of the story as we get to see the next general, the command center the senshi will be using the rest of the series, and our characters learning who each other really are, but so much content was thrown together in both versions that it seemed very rushed. I'm not saying I completely hate it as there is a lot of stuff in this episode that didn't even make it into the original anime series, I just wished it could have been broken up into an additional Act within both the anime and the manga versions.

Rating: 5/10

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