Sunday, April 3, 2016

Updates, Updates, Updates...

First off, sorry for not posting the throwback review this last Thursday, got a bit busy and forgot to post it. I will be posting the new review for Sailor Moon Crystal later today though!

Next up is a bit of a rant on the Winter Season shows. I haven't finished all of my main series yet as I still have a few episodes left of Divine Gate to get through. ERASED has to be by far the best of the shows this last season. It kept me on the edge of my seat for pretty much every episode with its jaw dropping cliffhangers. Even after we learned who the killer was, it still wanted me to ask for more. I know the manga has a spin-off series that just started in Japan so maybe one day we will get to see that animated as well!

Myriad Colors Phantom World was also pretty amusing. I thought it was going to be more of a series similar to the style of My Hime, but what I got was more along the lines of a harem action comedy. It turned out really good and surprised me a lot more then what I was hoping for. I really hope they eventually decide to do a Season 2 if it is possible.

Now that the good is out of the way...

Dimension W was alright; It started out reminding me of classic series like Cowboy Bebop meets Samurai Champloo, but by the time we reached the end it began to get a bit too over the top. From its ending there might eventually be future adventures with this cast as they try to steal more coils, but in all honesty the ending we got seems a bit crazy and I hope it went off track from the manga as I still am enjoying it from what has been released so far state side.

Active Raid was another series I was hoping for a bit more from. What I envisioned when I first saw the promos and animation was something along the lines of a Tiger and Bunny police force action series. We did mecha police action, but it was a bit heavy on the fan service then what I was really hoping for. Season 2 of this series is already planned for this Summer, so maybe it will change a bit?

The Spring Season has already started as well. I have only watched Mayoiga so far and was very impressed with the first episode. 30 young people trying to escape their lives and start over by building a village in the wilderness that they can call their own paradise. There already seems to be a lot of tension from several of the people, so we will see how that plays out in the coming episodes. I'm hoping this will be my 5 Star series for the season, but only time will tell.

Anyways, like I said earlier. the reviews are incoming this week. I'm currently reading My Hero Academia V.01, which will be reviewed as well as the rest of the volumes currently out as well. No release date on those being put up yet though, but they might be added at random times to give you all a bit more reading material. See ya all soon...

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