Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Things May Slow Down A Bit...

Sorry for not keeping up with the actual reviews being posted on the days they were supposed to, the other dates might change as well. I will be having another surgical procedure tomorrow, but it should not keep me away for as long as my last procedure.

I am glad everyone has been enjoying the reviews! It has been pretty steady as well. This is not going to stop either once I am back at them and you will all still be getting 3 reviews a week and possibly maybe more.

I will be starting reviews for Manga Chapters soon, specifically from certain titles from Shonen Jump magazine as they are released. First up will be the four part Assassination Classroom Side-Story. These will be much shorter reviews, since the chapters are MUCH shorter then a full volume. They will be probably around 1-2 paragraphs of content, followed by commentary. I will also be reviewing the Naruto One-Shot story coming out next week, as well as Boruto the series. These will be posted as they come out. I know I am behind on Assassination Classroom's side-story, but they are coming!

I will also do my best to read and review the next Naruto Hiden novel as soon as it comes out, so look forward to that as well!

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