Thursday, February 11, 2016

Throw-Back Thursday Review - Chobits V.03

Title: Chobits
Volume: 3 (of 8)
Creator: CLAMP
Format: Unflipped
Original Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
US Publisher: Tokyopop
Release Date: 10/22/02
Pages: 184
ISBN: 1591820065
MSRP: $9.99
Genre: Science Fiction
Rated: OT (Older Teen Age 16+)

Description: Computers are supposed to make people's lives easier, but as Hideki is quickly finding out, taking care of your computer can be a full-time job! Regardless, Hideki is thrilled to have a Persocom of his own - the enigmatic Chi - even if she isn't as user-friendly as other computers. His friends tell him that Chi is a supercomputer, possibly a legendary Chobit - an AI. That would explain why she acts so human. Maybe she's a little too human. The more time Hideki spends with Chi, the more it feels like an actual relationship. But as Chi's feelings for Hideki intensify, she begins to unlock the secrets of her past ... secrets that are better left forgotten.

Contains Chapters 25-36:

  • Chapter 25
  • Chapter 26
  • Chapter 27
  • Chapter 28
  • Chapter 29
  • Chapter 30
  • Chapter 31
  • Chapter 32
  • Chapter 33
  • Chapter 34
  • Chapter 35
  • Chapter 36


Cover: The Covers of Chobits just keep getting better and better. For Volume 3, we have a nice nighttime background. Chi is in the center, as usual, wearing a more revealing dress then the last cover. She is also sitting atop of a light post. On the top of the cover we have the title, which I still have not gotten used to. The bottom has the Mangakas to the left and the Volume Number on the right. We also have the usual side strip that is a grayish/blue with the Tokyopop Logo on it.

The Spine from top to bottom has the Tokyopop logo, the Series Title, the Mangakas, and the Volume Number.

The Back is the same nighttime sky background. On the top we have the Series Title (again) and the moon to the right of it. Underneath that we have a Bio on Plum, as well as a nice pic of Plum playing her Tambourine. Under that is the Volume summary, followed by a pic of Chi from the Cover and the 100% Authentic Manga Stamp.

All-in-all, this was a nice cover, except for the Series Title at every angle.

Artwork: The Artwork continues to look nice in Volume 3. Every time CLAMP releases a new volume, it looks better and better then the last. As for this Volume, the lines are very sharp and clean. Chi looks absolutely Gorgeous in all her close-up scenes. We also get to see Zima and Dita for the first time in this Volume, 2 of my favorite Characters in the Chobit series.

Translation: It all Translates good in this Volume. The Only problem I had was the translation of Sumomo’s Name. They could have left it alone.

The Sound Effects are left untouched as well. More props to Tokyopop!

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): As for Volume 3, there is not that much that really contains to the main story of Chobits, so without going into too much detail with this Volumes Summary, I will just point out the main points.

First we find out that Ms. Shimizu and Shimbo are getting married. We saw Shimbo in Volume 2 acting a little strange, so that clears that plot hole up with him.

We also have another encounter with Chi and her “other self” as they discuss Hideki and how he must come to terms about how he feels about Chi. This may seem kind of confusing, but it will clear up in future Volumes.

Chi also gets a job working for one of Hideki’s friends at a bakery. The baker has some kind of hidden past as well, maybe dealing with someone like Chi.

Chi also gets the next book to the series she reads. Hideki takes a look at the books and he realizes that they have a message concerning Persocoms.

While all this is going on, 2 new characters emerge, Dita and Zima. They are both Persocoms and they have their eyes on Chi. Why are they so interested in her.

Finally a new picture surfaces; it appears to be a picture of Ms. Hibiya and Chi. What has Ms. Hibiya been hiding about Chi?

As far as this Volume goes, it brought up a lot more questions then answers. It also was a lot of useless information. If anything, buy this book to just complete the series or for Chi. Or if you are a fan of Dita and Zima as well (I am!).

Objectionable Content:
Language: Yes
Violence: No
Nudity: Yes
Sexual Situation: Yes

Where Purchased: Frank and Sons Collectible Show
Overall Rating: 3 (Out of 5)

Original Review Date: 11/14/03

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