Monday, December 12, 2016

Review: Ninja Slayer Kills! V.03

Title: Ninja Slayer Kills!
Volume: 3 (of 4+)
Creator: Koutarou Sekine, Bradley Bond, Philip Ninj@ Morzez
Format: Right-to-Left
Original Publisher: Kodansha
US Publisher: Kodansha
Release Date: 9/20/16
Pages: 224
ISBN: 1632360888
MSRP: $10.99
Genre: Shonen
Rated: OT (Ages 16+)


The wicked ninja soul, Naraku, has been sealed away deep within Fujikido, but the flames of vengeance still burn bright! And despite the staggering setback caused by losing his ninja power, Fujikido continues his quest to avenge the murder of his wife and son at the hands of ninja. However, the Soukai Syndicate have sent out the young ninja, Dominant, to face Fujikido, and their ensuing encounter will be the start of Fujikido’s true battle!!

Contains Kills 12-17:
  • Kills 12: Back in Black Part 3
  • Kills 13: Back in Black Part 4
  • Kills 14: Back in Black Part 5
  • Kills 15: Neo-Yakuza For Sale
  • Kills 16: Surprised Dojo Part 1
  • Kills 17: Surprised Dojo Part 2

Cover: The front cover this time features Fujikido (Our ninja slayer) and Yukano, Fujikido is front and center with Yukano kind of more in the foreground. Both are in action poses. What makes this image cool though is Fujikido's mask is broken, part of it is falling off his face, while the rest is still hanging on his head, but cracking. The series title is in the upper right corner, and the volume number is on the lower right.

The spine from top to bottom contains the Kodansha company logo, the series title, the volume number, and the mangaka.

The back cover has the volume summary across the top third of the cover. Under that is an awesome collage of Fujikido's enemies in this volume of the series.

The cover is very simplistic, but every point makes it stand out, the hot and dark colors used on a white background is just a perfect fit. The empy spaces aren't really distracting at all. Plus the overall layout is spot on attractive. It's one of the reasons I picked this series up originally and still am buying it today.

Artwork: The artwork continues its dark shonen style feel. Action from pretty much cover to cover, and very detailed at that. It really reminds me of an 80s sci-fi samurai punk movie in terms of look and feel. The art to me is still probably one of the best things about this series, which in terms of overall depth, doesn't say a lot.

Translation: Character names, attacks, cultural references, places, sound effects, and honorifics are all left intact. I honestly can't ask for a better translation then this series.

Extras: There's a huge Character Design Setting section that gives lots of info on the characters and places in this volume, with detailed pictures and notes from the mangaka. Theres also an afterword from the mangaka and translation notes.

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): This might be the last volume I review of this series, due to the fact that it is weirdly paced and completely unmemorable to me from volume to volume. With that said, let's go on with what I can piece out of what I read from this book.

First off, we have the Ninja Slayer and Yukano continuing with their fight from the previous volume of the series (which was released about 6 months before this one).Our heroes actually almost get their asses handed to them, but Fujikido won't give up because he vows to be the Ninja Slayer to avenge his family who ninjas actually killed. With that out of the way, Fujikido defeats the enemy and gives way to the next story arc.

We have a chapter that sets the tale of the next arc. Yakuza's have hired some of the worlds deadliest ninjas to take down the Ninja Slayer once and for all. There are a total of six, and by far I find them the most creatively made characters of the series so far, but probably with the stupidest names I've ever heard. The first of these ninjas, Big Shuriken, sets the stage for the rest of this volume.

The final two chapters dives straight into this new threat, the Six Gates. Like mentioned before, they are here to kill Fujikido. Big Shuriken and Fujikido's fight begins, but is interupted when two more of the Six arrive to cause even more trouble, Earthquake and Hellkite. The volume ends in a very overwhelming situation for our hero leaving him completely outnumbered.

For the most part, the action is incredible as far as this series is concerned. My huge issue is the overall story. It's very easy to get lost in with this series, I'm not sure if its due to this being an all action version of the original Ninja Slayer series or what the problem with the pacing is. We actually do get some character development in this volume. The flashback with Fujikido when he knows he needs to keep on fighting to avenge his family was a nice touch. Also the new enemies he will be facing have a bit of necessary development that previous enemies never had. Hopefully this means they will be around a bit longer then just a couple of chapters. If not, I and I am pretty sure a lot of fans will continue to be disappointed by this series as a whole.

Objectionable Content:

  • Language: Yes
  • Violence: Yes
  • Nudity: No
  • Sexual Situations: Yes


  • Cover: 10/10
  • Artwork: 7/10
  • Translation: 10/10
  • Extras: 10/10
  • Story: 2/10

Overall Rating: 8/10

Where Purchased: Barnes and Nobles
Original Review Date: 12/12/16

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