Sunday, October 23, 2016

Review: Fruits Basket V.04 Collector's Edition

Title: Fruits Basket
Volume: 4 (of 12)
Creator: Natsuki Takaya
Format: Unflipped
Original Publisher: HAKUSENSHA
US Publisher: Yen Press
Release Date: 8/30/16
Pages: 392
ISBN: 0316360651
MSRP: $20.00
Genre: Shoujo/Comedy
Rated: Teen

Description: Jealousy, rage, regret--the members of the Sohma family are no strangers to these emotions. Tohru Honda's cheerful optimism, however, is like a balm to them. Unfortunately, not every Sohma feels that way! Kisa and Tohru have become fast friends, but Hiro Sohma isn't too happy about this turn of events and decides to take out his anger on...Tohru?! And when the normally docile Hatsuharu snaps and pulls a Black Haru at school, will Tohru's brand of magic have any effect at all?!

Contains Chapters 37-48:
  • Chapter 37
  • Chapter 38
  • Chapter 39
  • Chapter 40
  • Chapter 41
  • Chapter 42
  • Chapter 43
  • Chapter 44
  • Chapter 45
  • Chapter 46
  • Chapter 47
  • Chapter 48

Cover: The cover this time around features Momiji in his school uniform, holding his hat in front of him. The background is a very light lavender color, with the series title and volume number in the left top corner in a darker purple color.

The spine from top to bottom contains the volume number, the series title, an image of Momiji and Hatori standing side by side, the mangaka, and the Yen Press company logo. The background on the spine is a flowery purple template.

The back cover has a picture of Hatori, dressed in his usual business suit.

I'm still in love with these covers, however, the image of Momiji used wasn't as impressive as the original volume that contained Momiji (can't remember the actual volume number at the moment). Also, yes I know he is a kid, but the position of Momiji on the cover leaves a lot of empty space across a lot of the front cover. I know these covers are going for a more simplistic look, but being the front cover, it should have been a bit better in terms of design. Hatori on the back cover was a good choice and his image took up almost the entire back.

Artwork: As the series continues on, the artwork is beginning to get a bit more consistentcy in terms of its style.  Being a shoujo series, the art is very simplistic in nature with a much more carefree and lighter appeal. Backgrounds are minimal, but character dramatization is high in terms of how things can go from happy to moody in a matter of seconds. For the most part, each volume does get better then the last in terms of the overall art.

Translation: The translation for this series is spot on. Everything from character names, honorifics, places, cultural references, and sound effects are left entirely true to the original Japanese manga.

Extras: There is an afterword and translation notes. Nothing really worth it in my opinion. As I have said previously, the original manga had a lot more notes in between the chapters, which the mangaka has eliminated with these Collector's Edition volumes. It kind of sucks, cause they were very fun to read!

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): This volume dives deeper into both the Sohma family, as well as backstory with Tohru and Uotani. So there will be a bit to discuss this time around.

At first we are greeted by a new member of the Zodiac, Hiro Sohma. He appears to give Tohru a hard time, but his attitude mainly stems from the relationship she has begun to develop with Kisa Sohma, the Tiger that he has a crush on. Not only does he make life hard for Tohru, but he also tests her to see if she really is a good person or not. We do learn too that Hiro is the Sheep of the Zodiac.

Next we get a very in depth backstory with Uotani, specifically the day she meets Tohru and how she got to meet her once idol, Kyoko, who she wanted to teach a lesson to for becoming too soft. Kyoko is Tohru's mom for the reader's of my review's who have not read this series. She had a past of being in a really serious gang. So we get to see some moments of how she got out of the gang as well. It is a very deep story, and one that needed to be told since we learn how Uotani and Tohru actually became such close friends, even though they are so very different.

We then get a few filler chapters with more comedy then drama, since we just suffered a lot of emotional angst with the previous few chapters, but it doesn't last long as we jump right into meeting the next new member of the Zodiac, Ritsu Sohma, the monkey. His tale is a bit tragic too as he dresses like a girl, even though he is a boy and he had a lot of hardships growing up in school.

Next we have another visit from Ayame, this time to see his brother Yuki. We finally get some clarrification on why these two aren't as close as they should be for being brothers, which is a bit gut wrenching as well, especially when we learn a bit more of Yuki's tragic past and being locked away by Akito.

We then dive back into fillers for the remainder of the volume, but we get a glimpse of the next Sohma we will be introduced to more in the next upcoming volume, Rin. Rin has a deep connection to Hatsuharu, which was covered a bit in this volume, but there is a bit more of a mystery behind her and it will be unraveling very soon.

The series continues to get better and better. I loved how we finally get to have some back story on a few of the characters in the series. It will be fun to see what happens next with the Sohma family, especially when Tohru begins to start breaking the curse (I have not read that far and with Volume 5 of the Collector's Edition, I will be exploring some uncharted territory myself). Here's hoping this series continues to rise in suspense as we get closer to the climax of Fruits Basket.

Objectionable Content:

  • Language: No
  • Violence: No
  • Nudity: No
  • Sexual Situations: No

  • Cover: 8/10
  • Artwork: 8/10
  • Translation: 10/10
  • Extras: 3/10
  • Story: 8/10

Overall Rating: 7/10

Where Purchased: Barnes and Nobles
Original Review Date: 10/23/16

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