Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Review: Fruits Basket V.02 Collector's Edition

Title: Fruits Basket
Volume: 2 (of 12)
Creator: Natsuki Takaya
Format: Unflipped
Original Publisher: HAKUSENSHA
US Publisher: Yen Press
Release Date: 6/28/16
Pages: 376
ISBN: 031636018X
MSRP: $20.00
Genre: Shoujo/Comedy
Rated: Teen

Description: When she was living in a tent pitched on the Sohma family's land, Tohru Honda's primary concerns were dirt and slugs. But now that she's living with the Sohmas, she's gotten a crash course in magical powers and ancient curses! And as if keeping the Sohma clan secret wasn't bad enough, Tohru has to work overtime to prevent all the jealous girls from finding out that she's living under the same roof as the school prince, Yuki, and the school hothead, Kyo! What new drama will Valentine's Day bring into Tohru's life?!

Contains Chapters 13-24:

  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14
  • Chapter 15
  • Chapter 16
  • Chapter 17
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19
  • Chapter 20
  • Chapter 21
  • Chapter 22
  • Chapter 23
  • Chapter 24

Cover: The front cover for this volume features our very first Sohma to appear on the covers, since last volume we had Tohru and her mom, Yuki! Yuki is sporting his usualy school clothes, which he wears for a majority of the series to begin with. The series title is on the top left corner, followed by the volume number under it. The background coloring is powder blue.

The spine from top to bottom contains the volume number, the series title, an image of Yuki and Kyo back to back, the mangaka, and the Yen Press Company Logo.

The back cover features Kyo, in his school uniform as well.

The cover may seem bare, but there are side inserts with the volume summary on them. I actually am really enjoying these a lot. I know I said that with the last volume as well, but these covers are very clean looking. Not a lot to distract the eyes of the buyer anywhere else. Plus there are so many characters in this series, its cool they are using two full shots of two characters across each book, and the spine brings them both together. Two volumes done of this, I think its pretty simple the rest of this series is gonna be just as amazing!

Artwork: More of the same sweet artwork that was found in the first volume. This is a shoujo series, so don't expect much action. Characters are drawn simple, yet effectively. There are not a lot of backgrounds, but the simpleness of this series is what makes this series still look beautiful. Its art truly does express the meaning of the series, especially when it comes to its dramatic parts.

My only complaint is still, the stick figures for humor. We are in the second volume, more characters are being introduced, so more moments of comedy, so there is a bit more stick figure scenes present.

Translation: The translation for this volume is amazing! Character names, cultural references, locations, sound effects, everything is left intact! I don't think I really need to say anymore!

Extras: There are 8 color pages, each one has pictures from the original release that were in color when they first appeared in the magazine that the series was serialized in. There is also an Afterword and some translation notes. I am still a bit sad that they didn't include the original notes in each chapter that was in the original release, but it doesn't warrant that there is still a good chunk of extras.

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): Since this volume essentially covers two volumes of the original manga, I shall do my best to cover as much of the content as possible.

The first three chapters we are introduced to another new member of the Sohma family, Hatsuharu. He is also the Ox. These two are an introduction to him, as well as continuing from the last volumes school festival as we dive into a school marathon. Hasuharu interupts the race, looking to fight Kyo. He is a unique character due to him having two personalities.  The fight doesn't last long as Hatsuharu switches back to his white side, and forgets the whole reason they are fighting. Yuki ends up feinting at the end of the second chapter to this arc, and we deal with the last chapter a bit on Yuki's past.

We then move into a Valentines/White Day story arc, which covers up to Chapter 18. This story arc is basically dealing with Tohru's gifts to the Sohma family for Valentine's day and ends with Momiji taking Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki to a hot spring for White Day. We get to meet the mother of another member of the Zodiac here, but other then that there isn't too much development character wise within these chapters.

Originally, Chapter 19 would start the original 4th volume in the series, so the remainder of this volumes mood shifts a bit. Chapters 19 and 20 begin the new school year for everyone, with this Hatsuharu and Momiji are now freshman students at the same school that Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki go to. This is also the first time Tohru meets Akito, the head of the Sohma family. Although Akito treats Tohru well, as she leaves the school grounds, she tells Hatori a completely different story. We also learn a bit here on why Yuki is so scared of Akito, but it seems this isn't even the tip of the iceberg of what is truly to come.

Chapter's 21 and 22 we finally meet up with Yuki's brother, Ayame Sohma who is also the Snake. He has come to finally meet Tohru and check in on his little brother. There is a lot of friction between the two due to their age gap and how much of a ditz Ayame can be.

Chapter 23 we have a visit to where Momiji and Tohru work at. We learn about Momiji's tragic back story of how he was born into a world where no one wants him. Won't go into more of this though, as this chapter is probably the most emotional thing in the entire volume.

Last we have Chapter 24. It marks 1 year after Tohru's mom has died. Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, and her friends all go to visit her grave to have a picnic, cause that is what Tohru's mother would have wanted, to celebrate her life and not grieve her death.

There's a lot going on in this volume, some of it could be taken a bit overwhelmingly, since we had two of these huge books back to back. For the most part however, the stories are beginning to build up to something much bigger. If you haven't read the series yet, don't worry cause these reviews will not spoil the outcome until we reach the end. Best chapter by far is Chapter 23. The emotion that is in this story is over the top, and its sad seeing Momiji, the most sweetest character in this series, which such a tragic upbringing. All in all, my second trek through these stories, and they are still timeless!

Objectionable Content:
  • Language: No
  • Violence: No
  • Nudity: No
  • Sexual Situations: No
  • Cover: 10/10
  • Artwork: 7/10
  • Translation: 10/10
  • Extras: 6/10
  • Story: 8/10
Overall Rating: 8/10

Where Purchased: Barnes and Nobles
Original Review Date: 7/26/16

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