Thursday, March 30, 2017

Another Collection Update

I added a bunch of new mangas to the Manga Collection page. I still have a few other odds and ends volumes I need to add from the current collection... We are in the process of doing a move soon and I will be going through the other mangas I have as well in storage and have a BUNCH more to add to this as well.

One more thing of note, sorry for the late review of Erased. I know I said it would be coming a lot sooner then when I posted it. The good news is, Reviews will begin regularly starting next week! So keep an eye out! Schedule is on the right hand side...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Review: Erased V.01

Title: Erased
Volume: 1 (of 4)
Creator: Kei Sanbe
Format: Right-to-Left
Original Publisher: Kadokawa
US Publisher: Yen Press
Release Date: 2/21/17
Pages: 384
ISBN: 031655331X
MSRP: $30.00
Genre: Seinen
Rated: Teen

Description: Twenty-nine-year-old Satoru Fujinuma is floundering through life. Amid his daily drudgery, he finds himself in the grip of an incredible, inexplicable, and uncontrollable phenomenon that rewinds time, a condition that seems to only make his drab life worse. But then, one day, everything changes. A terrible incident forever changes Satoru's life as he knows it...and with it, comes a "Revival" that sends Satoru eighteen years into the past!

In the body of his boyhood self, Satoru encounters sights he never imagined he would see again--the smile of his mother, alive and well, his old friends, and Kayo Hinazuki, the girl who was kidnapped and murdered when he was a boy the first time around. To return to the present and prevent the tragedy that brought him back to his childhood in the first place, Satoru begins plotting a way to change Hinazuki's fate...But up against the clock and a faceless evil, does eleven-year-old Satoru even stand a chance?

Contains Chapters 01-12:
  • #1: Life Flashing Before Your Eyes, May 2006
  • #2: Death Row Convict, May 2006
  • #3: Grim Reaper, May 2006
  • #4: Attempted Kidnapping, May 2006
  • #5: The True Culprit, May 2006
  • #6: Fugitive, February 1988
  • #7: Lost Time, February 1988
  • #8: The Town Without Me, February 1988
  • #9: The Beginning of Failure, February 1988
  • #10: The Christmas Tree, February 1988
  • #11: Repeated Scene: February 1988
  • #12: Birthday Party, March 1988

Cover: The cover of this volumes features Kayo walking through the snow. There are several of her footsteps behind her, and its really the only thing present on the front cover except for the white background, and the series title and volume number in the lower right corner.

The spine from top to bottom contains an image of Kayo (from the front cover), the series title, the volume number, the mangaka, and the Yen Press company logo.

The back cover uses the same white background, but has Satoru walking in the snow, possibly looking back at Kayo. More footprints and a few other students appear at the top, walking off the cover.

I actually really like how simple this cover is done. Although there is not a whole lot of stuff on the cover, it speaks to the reader and fans of the series. Seeing Kayo trudge through the snow and alone on the front, and then Satoru looking for her on the back was just great in terms of summing up the series without actually speaking. I hope more nods like this continue with the remaining volumes.

Artwork: This series is a Seinen series, so in terms of art style it is pretty much a more mature version of a Shonen title. One thing that I don't however care for are the huge lips that some of the characters have, specifically with Satoru's mom. They are kind of distracting, especially when most characters have the same artstyle and then here come's his mom.

Backgrounds are pretty minimal as well, but as this series isn't really action focused, it's a bit forgivable. Overall though, it's not my favorite in terms of art, but it is not the worst either.

Translation: 100% Accurate. Really don't need to say much more about this. I couldn't be happier!

Extras: We have a mini-comic that is 4 pages. This basically tells the day to day life of the mangaka. Also some translation notes. I would have loved some character sheets. I think its too soon for bonus chapters if there is any for this series, but maybe in future volumes.

Content (Warning: May Contain Spoilers): As the anime did come out last year, which I absolutely loved, I wasn't expecting much extra in terms of story until I read it, and damn was I wrong!

Erased is a story about a guy named Satoru who has a strange ability almost like the Butterfly Effect, he's in a place where something that leads to a death or a death actually happens and he gets the chance to fix it. Over the first six chapters, or rather the first actual volume of the series, we see quite a few of these butterfly effect moments as Satoru saves a couple people's lives as they are near death or have already been killed. Whats neat is some of these aren't actually in the actual anime, which was really refreshing that I was not going to have to read this manga word for word like a lot of other anime adaptions.

As the first story arc/volume comes to a head, a mysterious man attacks Satoru's mother while he is away at work. He ends up killing her, and as Satoru comes home, he catches the man, but doesn't get a good look at him. As a chase begins, cops get involved, the man gets away, and Satoru is on the run for his life, until his power kicks in and he gets pushed back in time before the events of not just his mother's death, but the death of a childhood classmate. Now it's up to Satoru to pretty much keep an eye on this classmate, Kayo, as the days of her death draw closer and hopefully he can prevent her death, which is most likely linked to the death of his mother as well.

Not going anymore into this like I usually do with most first volumes, but this is a series manga fans really need to check out. If you have seen the anime for Erased, I do recommend checking this out as well. Some scenes are changed, scenes are added, and it really does show a lot more character development then the anime had. I have no complaints about this title, the story is intriguing and the mystery behind it will really draw the reader in, even if you read it there is still much more to learn about this story within the pages of the manga. Anxiously awaiting the second volume as we continue to follow Satoru deeper into his past to save his present.

Objectionable Content:

Language: No
Violence: Yes
Nudity: No
Sexual Situations: No


Cover: 8/10
Artwork: 6/10
Translation: 10/10
Extras: 4/10
Story: 10/10

Overall Rating: 8/10

Where Purchased: Barnes and Nobles
Original Review Date: 3/26/17